ELTELPARK is the brand of Mediatoys s.a.s

Italian company specialized in the construction of “Luxury Carousel” and high quality attractions for amusement parks.

It was founded in 1985 from the passion and will of Pasquale Licci, founder of the company.

Quality and style Made in Italy

Many years of experience in the sector and the care of the production processes now allow us to offer a wide range of models that ignite and develop the child's imagination, making them experience moments of healthy, carefree and magical emotion.

The quality of construction, the craftsmanship, the hand-painted and decorated, the attention to details and the right choice of color combinations combined with a sturdy structure, with practical solutions that facilitate installation, and the use of quality components. These are the main characteristics of our creations.

Technology, innovation, experience, security, and reliability

Production currently takes place in a highly efficient plant, equipped with cutting-edge production equipment and computerized numerically controlled industrial machines, which allow the entire production cycle to be carried out within the company.The entire production cycle, design, metal carpentry, production of fiberglass products, assembly, electronics and painting is entirely carried out by ELTELPARK.
The company employs a staff specialized in all phases of the production cycle, a young and flexible workforce, capable of supporting the customer in all their customization needs at every level, from the design of the final product.

The use of the most advanced technologies, combined with the experience and professionalism of our workforce, has a single goal: customer satisfaction.